
FireEye Attack, a reminder that no one is safe

On Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2020, FireEye, a global Cybersecurity firm, disclosed to the public that they had been breached.

This was a huge reminder that no one is unhackable and that Blue Teamers often have their work cut out for them with threats, risks, and vulnerabilites.

FireEye disclosed that the attackers were likely an APT due to the high level of sophistication of the attack. Kevin Mandia stated that the attackers were “highly trained in operational security and executed with discipline and focus. They operated clandestinly, using methods that counter security tools and forensic examination.” The attackers got their hands on a number of FireEye Red Team tools, which FireEye posted a list of countermeasures for here.

Are the attackers going to release these tools to the public like the Shadow Brokers did?

FireEye has reassured us that no zero-day exploits were stolen and that only well-known methods used by red teams around the world were stolen.

It’s an interesting thought that in this digital world, no one is really safe from cyber attacks. It isn’t enough to lock the door to our home anymore when people can just hack their way in.